*Bison latifrons* skeletal assembly composed of multiple individuals recovered from Bureau of Reclimation sites in Southeastern Idaho.
Specimen numbers include: IMNH-48001/1770, IMNH 75002/27, IMNH 47001/1596, 48001/1479, IMNH 35016/966, IMNH 48001/2923, 35009/17260, IMNH 35016/31067, IMNH 78029/28050, IMNH 49001/2710, IMNH 35015/18011, IMNH 48002/20, IMNH 50001/1807, IMNH 47001/2317, IMNH 78029/28051, IMNH 50001/2632, IMNH 75002/4917, IMNH 35016/31068, IMNH 47001/2316, IMNH 35009/17258, IMNH 71003/26666, IMNH 50001/2351, IMNH 47001/1711, IMNH 50001/2426, IMNH 48001/1843, IMNH 48001/17264, IMNH 71003/23828, IMNH 65003/23314, IMNH 47001/1543, IMNH 47001/1541, IMNH 78025/32057, IMNH 50001/2427, IMNH 48001/1494, IMNH 65003/23810, IMNH 47001/1710, IMNH 47001/1282, and IMNH 50001/2249. |